Februsweary: Epilogue

As this chilly February draws to an end, so the curtain falls on the inaugural Februsweary.

If you’ve been playing along so far, now is the time to tip out your jar and see how sweary you’ve been.

We’ll be collecting donations via the website (www.februsweary.com) for the next few weeks, but I’d like to say a huge thanks to everyone who’s supported the fundraising to date.

To those who’ve taken one of our kits, those who’ve made their own swear jars, those who’ve liked and shared our posts on social media and those who’ve thrown their hard earned money into the kitty already it really, really is appreciated. Thank you!

I’ve not been involved in anything like this since I did a sponsored walk for my school when I was seven. Back then the only swearwords I knew were ‘bum’ and ‘flip’ but fortunately (especially for our friends at RoadPeace and the people they support) I’ve learnt a few new ones since then.

On average, five people die every day on the UK’s roads and RoadPeace provide practical and emotional support to victims through a helpline, befriender network, and information guides on the legal procedures that follow a crash.

If you do feel you might like to contribute to the cause, even if you’ve never sworn in your life, it will end up making a big difference to people’s lives when they’re at their lowest, so please give whatever you can.
